There are a range of services in Oodnadatta for local residents. Dunjiba Community Council advocates on behalf of residents for culturally appropriate quality services. Dunjiba Community Council's strategic plan can be found here. .
Governance and Culture
The following are the priorities for the community:
For the Dunjiba Aboriginal Community to be self-managed by local Aboriginal people
For the Dunjiba Community Council to strengthen its governance and leadership practice through the professional development of its board members
To provide ongoing opportunities for local Aboriginal people to be involved in leadership and governance (e.g. policy development & decision-making) of their community, especially young adults
To support all Governments and Service Providers to work together with the local people as committed partners to improve the overall quality of life of local Aboriginal people through culturally appropriate mediation and transparent governance
Economic Development and Employment
More industry based jobs for local Aboriginal people (real and sustainable jobs)
• To stimulate and maintain a thriving local economy, and commerce & trade (reinvigorate local businesses)
• For local Aboriginal people to have choices about their future
Social, Community and Health Services
Oversee the transparent delivery of timely and equitable access to community & health services and programs (attract much needed services and programs to the community) including:
Community Health
Drug and Alcohol services
Financial wellbeing services
Aged Care services (including suitable residential programs)
Recreation and sporting events, facility and infrastructure
Youth programs and services
Disability Services
Essential Services and Infrastructure
To have access to safe and affordable drinking water
To reduce cost of living pressures and to improve the affordability of essential services (e.g. electricity, gas, water and sewerage)
To create employment and training opportunities for local Aboriginal people in the delivery of essential services
To procure and purchase goods and services from local Aboriginal businesses
For energy providers to invest in infrastructure for the long-term benefit and sustainability of the community
Education and Training
For local Aboriginal people to be up-skilled
More job ready training for local Aboriginal people
For all local Aboriginal children, youth and persons of working age (15 to 64) to regularly attend school and vocational institutions to achieve and realise their full academic and labour force potential as productive members of the local community